Course Introduction


Financial Institutions paid $321 billion in regulatory fines since the GFC. There is a change to Global Regulation every 10 minutes. Humans cannot keep up, but technology can. The RegTech Revolution is here, and this is your chance to get in on it. Join the revolution with our Online RegTech Crash Course.

Whether you are a large Incumbent looking to save on compliance costs, an Entrepreneur looking to break into the RegTech Industry, or a Student trying to stand out above your peers, this crash course will give you all you need to know about RegTech, and even an official qualification upon completion.

The Course fits 6 Modules of content into a compact 8 hours of learning time, covering everything from the very basics of what RegTech is, to the specific technologies involved, and even gives specific Use Case examples of where RegTech Solutions have already been successfully implemented.


The main objective of the course is to provide in-depth knowledge about Regulatory Technology, its landscape, ecosystem and stakeholders.

At the end of the course, you will:

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